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Dragonfly Class (Year 5)

Welcome to Dragonfly Class


Welcome to Year 5


Your teacher is Miss Morgan and  your teaching assistant is Mrs Adams. 



In year 5 you are expected to read a minimum of three times a week. Doing this will ensure that you are entered into the Reading Champion prize draw. 1 raffle ticket will be given for 3 signatures and 2 will be given for more than 3. 


You are also expected to practise spellings weekly, in time for our spelling test every Monday afternoon. Spellings are sent out each week on a Monday afternoon on a sheet of paper. The key spelling word is in bold within a sentence. The children only need to know how to spell the word and do not need to remember the rest. The rest is there however to allow the children to understand the meaning of the word, especially as we look at lots of homophones in year 5! Spellings ca also be found on EdShed, which creates fun interactive games to learn spellings, by searching the stage and step at the top of their sheet. 


We have also just introduced a daily 'Golden Star' and 'Handwriting Hero', where  a child will be picked every day for both super work and really good effort in their handwriting.

Welcome to Spring Term 2025

Our weekly timetable and key information


This term we have PE on a Wednesday. 


Each day children will need their reading book, reading log as we do reading throughout the week. 


Children do not need pencil cases as we provide all the things they need for the lessons. 


Water bottles must have water in them and will need to be stored in the tray at the back of the classroom. 

Do you have concerns or worries and you don't know what to do? 


It is always good to talk to someone and in school we have people who can listen and talk to you and I know many of you have support at home with parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters or aunts and uncles. There is a new website that has been developed for 8-11 year olds which can offer you some support and advice too. Ollee is a new online chatbot that can help you with concerns or worries and offer you some advice. It covers a whole range of topics about family, friends, school and many more. 


Parents - you can also register and it can help you if you are looking for the best advice and support to give your child. 


