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Dormouse Class (Reception)

Welcome to Dormouse Class.



The adults in Dormouse Class are: 


Miss Brimble - Monday and Tuesday 

Mrs Irving - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


Miss McGuigan (Mon - Fri)

Miss Grundy (Mon/Tues)

Mrs Hughes (Tues pm)

Mrs Dixon (Wed - Fri) 


Mr Rossiter and Mrs Bernard will be taking Dormouse Class for PE sessions.


PE will be on a Wednesday and will be taken by Mrs Bernard and Mr Rossiter.

The children will be changing for PE in school. PE kits should be kept in school on your child’s peg. They will be sent home each half term holiday.



Please ensure that all your child’s belongings are named. This includes cardigans, PE kit, water bottles and any footwear.


Please see the class letter for more general information.


Forest School (when it starts) will be on a Tuesday (afternoon). The children should come in their Forest School clothes, wearing school shoes with suitable footwear in their bags to change into for the afternoon. You will receive more information nearer the start date.


If you ever have any worries or concerns please speak to any of the adults, send us a message on Tapestry or email the school office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.






Class Letter September 2024

                  Wellbeing Page


Remember to look at the Wellbeing page (found under the 'Children' tab on the website or click on the link) which may be of use with explanations and help at this tricky time. 



If you would like some ideas about E-Safety please click here

Contacting us


A lot of our messages and information for you will be sent via Tapestry.

You can also use this to keep in contact with us.

The children love sharing things they have done at home and this is a great way to share photos with their peers.

We aim to check Tapestry on a regular basis but if your message is important please email the office and they will pass any information on to us.



For any urgent messages/enquiries, please telephone the school office 01823 331624.


