Home Page

Otter Class (Year 1)

                 Welcome to Otter Class!

Have you read any stories with otters in?

Which are your favourites? Do you know any facts about otters?


Welcome to our class page!


Your teachers are: 

Mrs Symons on Monday until Wednesday and Miss Jennings will be in Wednesday until Friday,

and your teaching assistants throughout the week are Mrs Turner and Miss Davies

A few handy things....


  • We encourage children to become more independent in Year 1 so we ask for children to say their goodbyes at the door and come into the classroom by themselves. 
  • PE will be on a Monday. Please can all children bring a named P.E kit into school ready to get changed for P.E. We ask for P.E kits to be left at school so we can have extra P.E lessons when possible. These can be taken home when needed to be washed. As the weather gets colder they will need suitable clothing as we try to do P.E outside as much as possible.
  • Please do not bring in toys etc from home as this can cause upset during the day.
  • Children are able to have a fruit snack at playtime along with milk if they have any.  Children need to bring in a labelled water bottle into school everyday.
  • We ask for children to bring coats into school especially during the colder and wetter months. 
  • At the start of the year, the children enjoy a mix of whole class teaching, group activities and continuous provision to help them transition from Reception to Year 1.




Autumn Term letter and curriculum overview



Things you can do to help at home:


  • Read at least 3 times a week.
  • Practise writing their names, forming the letters correctly.
  • Reading key words - you could write a couple and pop on the fridge and swap each week.
  • Count from 1-20
  • Order numbers from 1-20 - can they recognise all the numbers?
  • Play dice games



If you have any questions or concerns then please contact the office by phone or email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


We look forward to a very busy term in Otter Class!


Mrs Symons and Miss Jennings

There are lots of ideas for you and your child's wellbeing on our Wellbeing Page. Please take a look!


Wellbeing for children


Wellbeing for adults


 * Use the espresso site at home to play phonic and number games *

       Your pupil username is student3792

       Your password clue is Christmas - t****y.


Click here for ideas to help you stay safe when using the internet.

Enjoy lots of activities and extend your learning by visiting Purple Mash.

Purple Mash is an ever growing online creative space especially for learners aged 3 - 11. This award winning site is filled with hundreds of fun educational activities in the form of projects, games, apps and tools. Being hosted online, you can access Purple Mash and your saved online files wherever you are and whenever you wish.

To log on from home, click on the purple log in tab

Next select the My school tab

Local authority is Somerset

School is Bishops Hull Primary

Now enter the Purple Mash username and password that you use in school. 

