"I always have two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in."
Robert Louis Stevenson
At Bishop's Hull Primary School, we aim for our children to become independent and creative writers. We encourage them to write with stamina and confidence over a range of genres, for specific audiences and purposes. Throughout their writing, we value the importance of accurate grammar, punctuation and spelling as well as the development of correct letter formation and neatly presented handwriting. We encourage the children to develop perseverance with writing and view mistakes as another part of the learning process. Through our English curriculum, we aim to nurture in the children a love of literature and language, and the confidence to continue writing throughout their lives.
Within our school, writing is taught daily in English lessons as well as being consolidated throughout the wider curriculum (such as history, geography and science).
Our writing curriculum is organised into three key areas: transcription, composition and punctuation and grammar.
This area of learning covers both spelling and handwriting.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1, spelling is taught through Read Write Inc. Phonics. The 44 sounds and corresponding letters are introduced and taught systematically. When reading a word, children recognise the letters (phonemes) and blend together the respective sounds; when writing a word, they identify the sounds and write down the corresponding letters (graphemes).
From Year 3 onwards, we use Spelling Shed and follow their scheme of spellings to provide weekly lessons and home learning. This works on the spelling rules and patterns they had learnt previously in Key Stage 1 as well as new rules on suffixes, prefixes and word families.
It is vital pupils can write quickly, comfortably and legibly as this skill is needed in many curriculum areas. Pupils' self- esteem is heightened when they can take pride in their handwriting.
We use the Nelson Handwriting Scheme. handwriting is taught by demonstration, explanation and practice. Children are encouraged to use a cursive script from Year 2. we encourage high standards of presentation in their writing. When children reach the expected standard, they receive a 'pen licence'. A time for celebration.
Throughout each term, children will be exposed to fiction and non-fiction texts and learn to create writing in both styles. They will also explore poetry and write their own poems. Each year group has a literacy overview for the year which ensures that writing for a variety of purposes are covered through a range of text types throughout the school.
Each writing unit will incorporate a range of teaching and learning strategies. A variety of resources are used as a stimuli for writing. The 'hook' might include a real-life experience, film clips, drama, photographs, an object or a rich engaging text. The aim is to use resources which inspire enthusiasm for writing, linking with cross-curricular topics whenever possible. Exemplar text are used to identify key features of the text and consider the writing style. The children and teacher work together to create a 'Writer's Toolkit'(success criteria). There is explicit teaching of specific skills. Teachers model writing objectives during whole class teaching . Guided writing sessions are used to meet specific objectives for individuals or groups. Children independently apply their taught skills and plan, draft, edit proof read their work and share it..
Grammar and Punctuation
Correct grammar and punctuation are building blocks for children learning to speak, write and listen. Within English lessons, children are taught the grammar and punctuation appropriate to their age and should have a growing bank of terminology and understanding which they are then able to apply accurately into their written work. Some grammar lessons are standalone lessons where a skill is taught discretely and then the children are given a chance to apply the skills to their writing independently. Some standalone grammar lessons are taught to consolidate previous learning
Bishop's Hull Primary School assesses children against age related expectations in writing. These expectations have been organised into bands which reflect the year group, for example Band 1 is the end of year expectation for children
in Year 1.