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Squirrel Class (Year 4)

Information from our open afternoon

Welcome to Squirrel Class

Year 4


 Your year 4 team are -

Miss Harman

Mrs Flemming, Miss Pitts and Miss Winter


We look forward to learning together this year.




We will now be swimming on a Monday morning!  Please could children bring a towel and anything they need for changing afterwards.  If children can wear their swimming kit under their school uniform, this will help with changing and getting more time in the pool.

Spelling Home Learning


The home learning for our spellings will now be sent home on a Tuesday and back in by the following Monday, to give everyone more time at home to learn them.  

Our spellings are now online!  We use Spelling Shed (click on the link) to help us with different games to learn our spellings.  All log in details for this are in our home learning books and also in our reading journals.  

Each week I will send home a spelling list stuck in our home learning books.

Here are some of our weekly routines - 


Our class time is 8.50 - 3.30 every day.


Literacy home learning will be either spelling related or reading comprehension, this is given on a Tuesday and needs to be in on the following Monday.


Maths home learning is set on a Tuesday and due on the following Monday.  This will vary from our online platforms to revising our maths curriculum.

DO REMEMBER TO - continue working on your Times Table Rock Stars and Maths Shed!


* Don't forget the amazing espresso site can be used by you at home! *

Your pupil username is student3792

Your password clue is Christmas.



In Computing the children continue to consider how to keep themselves safe when working online or using their mobile phones. It is something that we believe is very important and the children regularly have time to reinforce their knowledge of the ways to ensure they stay safe and happy whilst enjoying time on the computers. An excellent site for both children and parents is the Think U Know site. The web address is and it is well worth a visit.


The children can also enjoy lots of activities and extend their learning by visiting Purple Mash.

Purple Mash is an ever growing online creative space especially for learners aged 3 - 11. This award winning site is filled with hundreds of fun educational activities in the form of projects, games, apps and tools. Being hosted online, you can access Purple Mash and your saved online files wherever you are and whenever you wish.

To log on from home, click on the purple log in tab

Next select the My school tab

Local authoriity is Somerset

School is Bishops Hull Primary

Now enter the Purple Mash username and password that you use in school. Clue your username and password are all about you.

