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EYFS at Forest School

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A WARNING from Miss Brimble!! You may be forgiven for thinking, 'This isn't what school looks like!'wink. At Bishop's Hull Primary School, every class teacher aims to make learning fun and give the children lots of different fun experiences. I am, (I consider!) just a bit luckier in that I get to take the children outside and make learning even more 'hands on' with lots of activities that the children can't fail to enjoy! Who wouldn't like to be on a tyre swing during a lesson or lighting a fire and making toast (or even better s'mores) ??! There is so much to learn about being outside with nature and the changing seasons and we are very lucky to have lots of adults that are great at helping us to do this. 


We do have lots of fun at Forest School. Our adults aim to bring in many aspects of the EYFS curriculum in each session. We are encouraged to have confidence in ourselves and our abilities as well as try new things. Lots of our activities involve experiencing things and increasing our language as well as consolidating other learning. We also do lots to help our muscles build up ready for writing. It may look to you like we are 'just playing and having fun', but actually we are learning lots! There are some things we have out most sessions but our 'adult led activities' change most weeks. 
