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Week beginning 13th December 


We are continuing with Christmas activities this week.


Have you ever made gingerbread? You could either click the link below and follow the recipe to make and ice your own, or buy some ready made gingerbread people and have a go at decorating. We’d love to see them!


Gingerbread recipe 



Make your our own Christmas crackers! This can be lots of fun, follow the link below: 


Listen to The Christmas Story, can put draw a picture of all the important people?

go on to Espresso to watch a video and also for lots of fun festive activities. 



In ICT we will be playing some fun Christmas activities on Purple Mash. You should have your log in in your reading log.


Purple Mash






Week beginning 6th December


We are starting to think about Christmas in class this week!


Have you written your letter to Father Christmas yet?  


Here are some ideas of things you could do this week:


Make salt dough decorations 


Make some Christmas cards - click the link or use your own ideas!



Week beginning 28th November


Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about The Great Fire of London.


Can you talk to a grown up about these questions?


Where did it start?

How did it start?

Why did it spread so quickly?

What were the houses made of?

How did they try and put the fires out?


We are making houses to show what it would have been like in 1666.  We are using cereal boxes to paint and stick on wooden beams etc.  Maybe you could make your own at home and add a picture to Tapestry to show us.


A link for some information about the Great Fire of London is below:



We are also thinking about weather, so you could make your own weather chart to see what the weather is like each day.  


We will continue with our own firework dances in PE, maybe you could make up one of your own to Katy Perry's Firework.  





Can you collect some leaves from your garden?


What colour are they?

What shape are they?


Can you look very closely at them and draw them and write some adjectives to match them?
